Thank you for your interest in training with Noble Beast Dog Training!
We are looking forward to working with you and your dog!
Before we can enroll you in the service of your choice, please complete the following two steps:
If you have already registered with Noble Beast,
please do not set up another account.
We will help you access your account and enroll you in a new service!
Contact us at or
This is handled through our system, PetExec. Simply click the link below and input your information into the text fields, keeping in mind that all fields with asterisks next to them are required.
Important Information:
Your account will not be created, and therefore your information will not be saved until you click “Create Account”.
Be sure to sign the Service Authorization Form and proceed to add your dog(s) to your account.
Email or fax us a copy of your dog’s vaccines. For your dog to join any of our group classes or Camp B.A.R.K., you must provide a copy of age-appropriate vaccination records.
You may email a copy of your dog’s vaccination records to, or you or your vet can fax them to us at 720-506-3111.
To view our vaccination requirements,
please click here.
If you would prefer, you may upload a copy of your dog’s vaccination records below.
Thank you for completing the Vaccine Confirmation Form!
REGISTER: You must register yourself and your dog(s) with Noble Beast before you can enroll in a course or service.
ENROLL: Once registered, you can enroll in a course or service by purchasing it.
Please note,
your enrollment is NOT complete and placement is NOT guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from our Client Concierge Team.
If we are in need of any additional information, we will reach out to you directly via the phone number or email address provided.
Please click the link below to explore all of our services! We look forward to helping you and your dog soon.
If you have any additional questions or concerns,
please call or
email us directly.
Here are a few tips to help you navigate through our system:
Telephone Number – We do need to get at least 1 telephone number for you – We only use this on an “as needed” basis and do not share, sell, or distribute client info with any outside entities.
In the “Bar Code” section, you can leave that blank as we do not utilize it.
Please be sure to ENABLE EMAIL as this is how we communicate important class updates, notifications, and reminders. Again, we don’t share, sell, or distribute client information so you will only get emails from us.
Please let us know SPECIFICALLY How You Heard About Us, we have a referral program and want to be sure to thank people when they send new clients to us!
After you have entered all of YOUR information hit the CREATE ACCOUNT button at the bottom of the page. Once it refreshes, scroll down and in the pink bar click on HERE to add your DOG’S information.
If you have a Mixed Breed dog look for MIX in our list of breeds and see if you can find a mix that matches yours. If not, select MIXED BREED and in the Pet Description box tell us which breeds your dog is a mix of.
Please provide us with your dog’s Date of Birth. If you don’t know the exact date, give us your best guess, or as an alternative, give us a day you would like to honor your pup, such as their adoption date or another special day.
Although you are required to put your name here, the AUTHORIZED TO PICK UP box really only applies to our services in which you leave your dog with us. Simply type in your name and the names of anyone else who is authorized to pick up your pup.
We do not need to know your dog’s collar size.
Behavioral Information – You can add any behavioral information you would like, but it is not necessary.
For Day Training or Behavior Modification Training we will require a Pre-Training Questionnaire to be filled out. This will give us all the info we need about your dog’s behaviors.
You may add in your dog’s vaccinations if you would like, however for all services, we do require written proof of DISTEMPER, BORDATELLA, AND RABIES vaccinations from your vet. Your pup’s shot records must indicate an expiration date for each vaccine. Please fax the written records to 720-506-3111, email them to, or bring a copy of them with you on your first scheduled date of service. (This is step 4 of the enrollment process)
When you are done entering information for your dog click ADD PET, exit the system, and come back to this page.
If you have multiple dogs to add, after adding your first dog, click ADD ANOTHER PET, then after the last dog, exit they system, and come back to this email.
Noble Beast Dog Training & Education Center
4335 Vine Street, Denver, CO 80216
5320 Xanadu Street, Denver, CO 80239
Administrative Hours:
Monday – Thursday: 9am – 5pm
Friday: 9am - 12pm
Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Training hours vary by location and trainer