
Noble Beast Mission, Vision, Values, Edge and History

Mission Statement

The Noble Beast Vision

To help people and dogs have the best most fulfilling relationship with each other that they can possibly have!


The Noble Beast Mission

Help put smiles on both the faces of dogs and their owners by bridging the communication gap through

positive, effective, easy to use, and fun training techniques and services so they can

live long and harmonious lives together!

In doing this we are keeping dogs in forever homes!


The Noble Beast Values


ENTHUSIASTIC & FUN staff, Guardians, & Trainers



(Always coming from a place of RESPECT, CONSIDERATION, and EMPATHY!)

The Noble Beast Vision

Noble Beast aims to make a significant difference in the lives of dogs and their owners

through our relationship focused training techniques and bringing the importance of proper socializing front and center. 

When we open up the human/dog relationship and at the same time,

help dogs acclimate and develop resilience to our busy human lives - both human and dog expand. 

Humans become more human, and dogs - well they just become more happy! 

The more joy they feel the more joy we feel, and who couldn't use a bit more joy in their lives!

The human dog connection is what it is all about! 

The Noble Beast Values

  1. The Noble Beast Dog Training Team is first and foremost a COLLABORATIVE unit. The success of this company does not come from one individual; it comes from all of us. In this capacity we must uphold ourselves to the highest level of PROFESSIONALISM, understanding that what we do as individuals, while representing Noble Beast Dog Training, affects the entire company – good and bad. When you are a professional with INTEGRITY you are open to learning and growing regardless of what you already know, you are respectfully conscientious of your actions and how they affect you and others, you take the higher road and choose to get along with others, you are adaptable with growth and changes as an individual and a company, and you generate trust by being honest, trustworthy, and being accountable from beginning to end.
  2. We are here to provide the best training experience a person and their dog can have through ELEVATED SERVICE and dog training skills. Our clients want to experience success – and we help them be successful through our EFFECTIVE and FUN services and training techniques.  We are engaging and ENTHUSIASTIC from the moment they call in, to the last day of their training with us. We take pride in our company and what we have to offer and CARE about the outcome of our clients, knowing our efforts make a valuable difference in both the lives of the dog’s we work with and their humans. Dogs love our FUN and REWARDING training techniques, which everyone in the family can performer, ensuring that each client’s training needs are effective and memorable. 
  3. The entire Noble Beast Dog Training Team is KNOWLEDGABLE - committed to continued education which not only benefits the individual team member personally, but also keeps the services and information we are providing current and effective, virtually eliminating poor experiences. There is no other company like Noble Beast Dog Training. We are AUTHENTIC and unique in how we run our company providing a Client Concierge Team for our clients, as well as being the authority figures on dog/dog socialization and group play dynamics, supporting and offering classes to the public that focus on the importance of having a well socialized dog. We are also AUTHENTIC as individuals, confident in who we are as people, not trying to fill someone else’s shoes, we celebrate our diversities, and contribute our unique individual gifts to enhance the team and our clients’ experiences.
  4. The Noble Beast Dog Training team are creative master PROBLEM SOLVERS – not waiting for the answer, not letting a problem stop us, supporting each other and our clients in their forward progression. Problem Solvers are the best teachers and lead the most successful companies, having the ability to recognize a challenge – major or minor – and come up with workable solutions, which is a necessary component in everyday life, but especially within Noble Beast Dog Training.  In supporting our client, our trainers WILL be faced with many dog behavior challenges.  When this happens, they are sure to problem solve on the fly and provide a solution that creates a win/win for all involved.
  5. At Noble Beast Dog Training, COMMUNICATION is vital to our organization, not only with our clients but amongst our team. Our expectation from everyone is to acknowledge all forms of communication using RESPECT, CONSIDERATION, and EMPATHY, especially when views are challenged.  It is important to pause, CONSIDER the work, passion, and commitment someone has, which may be fueling their direction, understand we are all on the same team, RESPECT their personal attributes, and if they are coming from a place of fear and or anxiety, be EMPATHETIC as anger, stress, and shortness often mask the root of those emotions, which are fear and/or anxiety.  This level of COMMUNICATION must be practiced at all times, as we coach our clients, give/take advice from each other concerning training challenges, make suggestions to improve company policies and/or procedures, and of course interpersonally regardless of the topic. This will ensure the smoothest route to getting past challenges successfully. 

Our Competative Edge!

  • Where most other trainers focus on basic obedience and/or behavior modifications, the Noble Beast focus is on the importance of the connection our human clients have with their dogs!  YOU, the human-side of the equation matter.  We care about YOU as much as we care about your dog and know that if we can compassionately coach you and your dog in successfully meeting your training goals, not only have we ensured your dog stays in their forever home, but we have also ensured a more rewarding and enriching life for you in dog ownership!
  • Noble Beast Dog Training has been specializing in dog/dog socialization and group play dynamics.  We understand that an under socialized pup can be just as challenging as a dog who was neglected or abused so focus from day one on the importance of proper socialization!
  • Noble Beast Dog Training developed and originated our Group Day Training program, also known as Camp B.A.R.K., over 17 years ago, which is so beneficial it has been duplicated by other trainers.  We are grateful our methods continue to help dogs and families beyond our walls and take pride in being Denver’s original legacy in this dog/dog social training program as well as being able to provide the highest level of experience in dog/dog socialization and group play dynamics due to our longevity offering this service.
  • As a company we have a variety of different trainers to give people options on who they train with as not every client will mesh with every trainer.
  • Our clients know they can expect a certain level of customer service and solid training advice from a Noble Beast Trainer. We hire based on meeting our Core Values, we all understand our clients positive experience is our number one priority and keep ourselves educated so we can keep our training methods and advice fresh and effective.
  • Noble Beast is a TEAM of trainers, and our success is based off of each person on this team. We understand that good or bad, the experience we give our clients affects the entire group and therefore do our best in support of each other.
  • We offer many different kinds of services. We are not limited to just group classes or just privates, so clients can take advantage of different options for training without having to look elsewhere.
  • We are the founders of the Noble Beast Scholarship Fund in which we attach 5 – 12 weeks of training to unadoptable dogs’ adoption papers to help them become more adoptable, not only saving dogs lives but also supporting local trainers as they get paid.
  • Many of our programs can be used by other trainers to supplement their clients training program. We at Noble Beast honor other trainer/client relationships, choosing not to market said client for training services that compete with our fellow trainer. Our focus is to provide services and classes that will support the growth or our fellow trainers’ client/dog relationship.

Noble Beast Company History

Noble Beast Pet Services was founded by Mindy Jarvis in June of 2008. At the time, Mindy was the only one working for Noble Beast and offered not only dog training but dog walking, dog grooming, dog boarding, pet sitting, and even poop scooping. Being new to the Denver dog training community and having to start from scratch, she needed to make ends meet by any means necessary, but within 6 months of opening her business was able to cut her services down to just training and boarding. She did this through working hard, providing successful training, and establishing a stellar reputation through professional, respectful, and above average services.


As her reputation grew in the community as a dog trainer, so did her business. At the end of 2008 Mindy developed the one of a kind GROUP DAY TRAINING service (currently our Camp B.A.R.K. Program). This program came to be after she had a few clients call to get help for their dogs who had been kicked out of daycare. Mindy realized that she could not work on these dogs social skills independently, so started putting them in small groups for 4 hours a day out of her home. Through the amazing success of the dogs in her newfound program, Mindy realized she was on to something and started marketing her program to the public. There was a huge interested and before long, she had 6 dogs a day coming to her home for 4 hours of training, 4 days a week. Some of these dogs were anxious and fearful, some of these dogs were the bullying types, and some dogs were simply sent to her program as the owners felt that Day Training was a much more healthy environment for their dogs than daycare.  All the dogs were strictly monitored in play, supported in setting and respecting boundaries, participated in activities that build confidence and body awareness, as well as were trained on basic obedience skills.


The success of this program lead to more people wanting their dogs to participate in it. Mindy got to a point where she had a wait list. Being Co-Founder of the Colorado Dog Trainers Network, Mindy encouraged other trainers to offer the program, but to no avail so she decided to find a partner and expand. In Nov of 2010 she partnered up with Wag & Train in hopes of expanding her Day Training Program. She chose Wag & Train because the owner was a friend and mentor to her, she had a seemingly successful dog business, and she held a Victoria Stilwell Facility License which would enable all trainers who worked for us to be Certified Trainers. At that time, Noble Beast Pet Services merged into Wag & Train. The Day Training program expanded to 3 other locations, a group of trainers were hired and certified, and between the two owners the company grew. Soon after partnering with Wag & Train, Mindy realized that many of the core values between herself and the owner of Wag & Trainer differed, so the merge with Wag & Train and Noble Beast was short lived. Mindy went back to being Noble Beast, but not Noble Beast Pet Services. She realized that she wanted DOG TRAINING to be her sole focus so renamed the company Noble Beast Dog Training and gave it a facelift, which included a new logo with her Noble Beast Mascot Peyton


Upon the re-opening of Noble Beast Dog Training in October of 2011, she had retained all but one of the trainers from the Wag & Train merger, expanded her Training Location to 7 locations, and developed a solid strategic plan with a goal of making Noble Beast Dog Training the most well-known dog training companies in Colorado.  In this she grew her small business and had a team of 49 people on her team.  In this she trained and developed trainers, giving them the guidance and experience needed to coach and train people and dogs using scientific and humane training methods.  Although many of those trainers have move on from Noble Beast Dog Training, Mindy prides herself in knowing that through the growth and development of so many trainers, many more dogs are being humanely trained than would have been if she had not expanded her company.

In 2020, COVID struck, and Mindy knew they were going under - but then everyone went out and adopted dog.  The challenge was not over however as many trainers did not want to be out in the public, so finding good people for the demand of dog training we had was extremely challenging.  The next couple years were hugely volatile and some of them most challenging times Mindy and Noble Beast Dog Training has seen. 

From 2021 to 2023, Noble Beast Dog Training navigated an era of unprecedented challenges. Like countless small businesses, we faced the turbulence of a volatile economy, which led to declining revenue and—for the first time in our 17-year history—difficult but necessary layoffs. Shortly after, we confronted another profound hurdle: former team members replicated our proprietary methods, operational systems, and client relationships to launch a nearby competing venture, undercutting pricing while directly targeting our client base.  While imitation can be a form of flattery, this compounded financial strain forced a second round of layoffs, testing our resilience like never before. 

Our continued presence today is no accident—it’s a testament to 17 years of unwavering trust from our community. With a 4.8-star rating earned through decades of heartfelt service and fueled by the loyalty of clients who’ve become family, Noble Beast stands stronger than ever. Every leash held, every breakthrough celebrated, and every wagging tail reminds us why we persist: You, and your dogs, are the heartbeat of this legacy.

As we step into the future, we’re reimagining what dog training can be. Guided by innovation and the same principled passion that carried us through storms, we’re expanding thoughtfully—always prioritizing the bonds between humans and their canine companions. Here’s to the next chapter, where integrity, creativity, and the joy of transformation lead the way. Together, let’s keep rewriting the story of what humane training can achieve. 

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